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    Finally, a pro-melanin solution to treat:
    +Dark Spots
    +Stretch Marks
    +Problematic skins conditions 

    Made with Melanin In Mind

    Ava Estellâ„¢ is the first of its kind: a 100% all-natural skincare brand made with melanin in mind. Unlike other products that use harsh and dangerous chemicals, the Body Restore Combo is made from pure, natural ingredients that soothe the skin and promote cellular repair.

    This is healing in a bottle.

    Ava Estell™ is inspired by (and made for) women of color worldwide, so that they can love the skin they’re in. 👑 Join the melanin movement today!

    Fact: Nearly 10% of the population suffer from some form of eczema or psoriasis. That’s why our signature Body Restore Combo is made with all-natural ingredients like cocoa butter and rosemary oil, so that it’s gentle on all skin types (but tough on blemishes)

    It’s also packed with some of nature’s most powerful healing agents, like bearberry extract, which is known to aid the body in detoxification and immune response. This unique blend of Earth-given ingredients restores dry, damaged skin to glowing healthy skin.

    How it Works:

    Simply apply the Body Scrub to the affected area(s) and massage until fully absorbed. Rinse the affected area(s) and repeat with the Magix Cream. Use at least once a day until the desired result is achieved. Most women see changes as early as the first week!

    Check out our instagram for more before and after pictures


    The Scrub + Magix Bundle is our best selling product - which we recommend for treating any problematic skin concerns you may have. 

    Body Restore Combo (Peeling + Magix Bundle) ★★★★★
    Body Restore Combo (Peeling + Magix Bundle) ★★★★★
    Body Restore Combo (Peeling + Magix Bundle) ★★★★★
    Body Restore Combo (Peeling + Magix Bundle) ★★★★★

    Body Restore Combo (Peeling + Magix Bundle) ★★★★★

    View Details

    Bringen Sie Ihre Haut mit dieser atemberaubenden Kombination wieder ins Gleichgewicht. Enthält zwei unglaubliche Produkte, das Activating Body Scrub & Magix Cream, die aus 100 % natürlichen, veganen, hautfreundlichen Inhaltsstoffen hergestellt werden.

    Die Body Restore Combo versorgt die Haut mit Feuchtigkeit, behebt jedes Ungleichgewicht in der Pigmentierung und bringt trockene oder geschädigte Haut wieder ins Gleichgewicht.

    • Riecht lecker
    • Zieht leicht in die Haut ein
    • Nicht fettende Formel
    • Perfekt für die Anwendung im Gesicht oder am Körper
    • Spendet der Haut Feuchtigkeit und speichert Feuchtigkeit
    • Hergestellt mit Blick auf Melanin


    Aktivierendes Körperpeeling: Kakaobutter, Traubenkernöl , Robusta-Kaffee, ätherisches Zitronenöl, Rosmarinöl, Konservierungsmittel Eco.

    Magix Cream: Kakaobutter, Sheabutter, Traubenkernöl, Avocadoöl, Hagebuttenöl, Jojobaöl, Aprikosenkernöl, Süßholzwurzelextrakt, Maulbeerextrakt, Bärentraubenextrakt, Vitamin E-Öl, ätherische Öle aus Lavendel und Zitronenmyrte.
    Aktivierendes Körperpeeling: 250ml (8.5oz)
    Magix-Creme: 120ml (4oz)

    Haltbarkeit: 12 Monate

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    "The Body Restore Combo is divine. I love what it does for my skin. I love the packaging. And I love the smell."

    – @MoChunks

    Media Mogul, Producer

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